Our Mission and Vision
Voices of Oklahoma.com is dedicated to the preservation of the oral history of Oklahoma. Voices and stories of famous Oklahomans and ordinary citizens are captured forever in their own words.
Oil and gas, ranching, politics, education and more are all visited in these far-ranging interviews. Students researching any of these areas can listen to first-person accounts of the way life was and draw from knowledge that may guide and shape their future.
In addition to students, any visitor will feel close to history as they listen to these personal reflections. As many of these people listened to the radio years ago, we invite you to sit back in your chair and listen to stories that will be preserved beyond our lifetime thanks to today’s technology.

Our Purpose and Impact
We Preserve & Share Oklahoma's History
By preserving the voices and legacies of influential Oklahomans, we equip current and future generations with the wisdom to guide Oklahoma to a brighter tomorrow.

We Empower Educators
We provide educators throughout Oklahoma and across the country with helpful tips and guides that help them readily apply our body of historical oral histories to their lessons.

We Help Students Experience History
Our library of oral histories and historical content provides students the rare opportunity to learn directly from those who experienced and shaped historic moments firsthand.

About Our Founder
For 30 years John Erling entertained Tulsans as the stimulating host of Erling in the Morning on KRMG radio. Known for his interviews with people of all walks of life—from politicians to celebrities to everyday people—John’s talk show provided the perfect forum to deliberate the hottest local and national topics.
As a well-respected community leader and member of both the Oklahoma Association of Broadcasters Hall of Fame and Oklahoma Historians Hall of Fame, Erling devotes his energy and enthusiasm to Voices of Oklahoma. He deeply believes that preserving the stories of Oklahomans will reveal the depth of emotion and pride that built our great state. By introducing inspirational stories in an accessible, lively format he hopes to educate and motivate future generations. To share the experience of real, heartfelt conversations with many of Oklahoma’s greatest assets, join John as he spotlights the most original, fascinating voices of our time.

Partnership with Oklahoma Historical Society
Voices of Oklahoma operates in partnership with the Oklahoma Historical Society. OHS has been preserving oral history interviews for many years and Voices of Oklahoma adds to that collection for research students and the general public.
The mission of the Oklahoma Historical Society is to collect, preserve and share the history and culture of the state of Oklahoma and its people. Founded in 1893 by members of the Territorial Press Association, the OHS maintains museums, historic sites and affiliates across the state. Through its research archives, exhibits, educational programs and publications the OHS chronicles the rich history of Oklahoma.
For more information about the OHS, please visit okhistory.org.

Our Donors & Sponsors
The pursuit of our mission would be impossible without the continual generosity and kindness of our individual donors and corporate sponsors.

Become a Sponsor of Our Mission
By becoming an official sponsor, you help us preserve Oklahoma’s history while creating a rich and fulfilling education for the next generation of Oklahoma’s students.