Mission Statement
The mission of TulsaPeople is to enlighten and entertain their readership.
1603 S. Boulder,
Tulsa, OK 74119
TulsaPeople Magazine
Enlightening and Entertaining Tulsans Together

Bringing Enlightening and Entertaining Oral Histories to Oklahomans in Partnership with TulsaPeople
TulsaPeople, an award-winning magazine in its 36th year of publishing, has joined forces with Voices of Oklahoma as a media partner, providing generous ad space to help further the reach and impact of our collection of Oklahoma oral histories.
In alignment with TulsaPeople’s mission — to entertain and delight its readers — our partnership will allow Oklahomans and their readers across the country to discover and delight in the rich legacies and stories of some of Oklahoma’s most influential people.
We’re grateful to TulsaPeople and their generous provision of this ad space and we look forward to the opportunity to provide the new listeners their advertisements bring with enlightening and entertaining content for years to come.
The Impact of Our Partnership with TulsaPeople
We’re honored by TulsaPeople’s support and generosity. Made possible by their giving, we’re creating the future of historical education in Oklahoma through:
Collecting and preserving the oral histories of influential Oklahomans
Offering the entire library of our oral histories & site content available for free
Making our resources easy for students & educators to find and use in their work
Become a Sponsor of Our Mission
By becoming an official sponsor, you help us preserve Oklahoma’s history while creating a rich and fulfilling education for the next generation of Oklahoma’s students.