Mission Statement
The Williams Companies Foundation believes in giving generously of both our time and resources where we can make a difference. In all the areas where they live and work, Williams Comapnies' employees roll up their sleeves to pitch in, help their neighbors and improve their communities.
1 Williams Ctr, M.D. 45,
Tulsa, OK 74172
Williams Companies Foundation
Giving generously to make a difference.

A Generous Gift From the Williams Companies Foundation
Involvement in the communities where they operate is at the heart of Williams. They believe in giving generously of both time and resources where they can make a difference. In their continual effort to strengthen the communities in which they work and serve, they create lasting partnerships with local and national organizations, schools and STEM-focused programs.
And through their generous gift of financial support, Voices of Oklahoma can continue to fulfill our education-focused mission: providing Oklahoma’s future generations with access to the voices, lives, and experiences of the influential Oklahomans that came before them.
The Impact of Williams Companies Foudation Giving
We’re eternally grateful for their continued support and generosity. Made possible by their giving, we’re creating the future of historical education in Oklahoma through:
Collecting and preserving the oral histories of influential Oklahomans
Offering the entire library of our oral histories & site content available for free
Making our resources easy for students & educators to find and use in their work
Become a Sponsor of Our Mission
By becoming an official sponsor, you help us preserve Oklahoma’s history while creating a rich and fulfilling education for the next generation of Oklahoma’s students.