Learn From These Influential Oklahomans

Dr. C. T. Thompson
SurgeonHis career as a surgeon and hospital administrator spanned a time of great social and medical change in the United States.

Dr. Don Nelson
Internal Medicine Doctor, Pulmonologist, TriathleteDr. Don G. Nelson, an internal medicine doctor and pulmonologist for over 60 years and triathlete, shares the history of his life, his medical career, and how he participated in 300 triathlons.

Dr. Herb Lipe
WWII Veteran, Centenarian, OptometristDr. Herb Lipe, a veteran of World War II and accomplished optometrist, shares his wisdom, his experiences, and his reflections on becoming one of Oklahoma's esteemed centenarians.

Dr. Jerry Gustafson
SurgeonAfter witnessing national tragedy in Dallas in 1963, he settled in Tulsa for a long and distinguished medical career.

Dr. John Coates
NeurosurgeonHis talents took him all over the world, but he returned to Oklahoma to begin his medical practice and raise his family.

Dr. Robert G. Perryman
SurgeonHis family roots run deep in the origin of Tulsa, where he spent 40+ years as a surgeon.

Jim Goodwin
Owner of The Oklahoma Eagle Newspaper, Lawyer, Healthcare LeaderJames "Jim" Osby Goodwin is the owner of The Oklahoma Eagle, Tulsa's only black-owned newspaper, a prominent lawyer who argued cases for free speech and reparations for the 1921 Race Massacre, and served on the Tulsa City-County Board of Health for over 50 years.

Jim Rodgers
Founder of Tulsa Spine and Specialty Hospital, Owner of Cain's BallroomA great surgeon, a good father, and a man whose indelible legacy includes revitalizing the legendary Cain's Ballroom and founding one of Oklahoma's most successful physician-owned hospitals.

Marcia Mitchell
Founder, The Little Light HouseMarcia Mitchell tells the miraculous story of her life, her family, and The Little Light House: a non-profit providing tuition-free, special education and therapeutic services for children with special needs.

Sister Therese Gottschalk
St. John Health SystemSelflessly answered calls to serve the catholic church and a Tulsa hospital.

William Warren, Jr.
Petroleum to Health CareFrom Warran Petroleum to Saint Francis Health System and the philanthrophy of the industry.
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